She had been leveling a Jedi Consular on Sith Wrym where my Republic alts are, but last night I convinced her to give the Empire another try. Her first character in the game was a Sith Inquisitor but she quickly gave it up because she said the teachers were too mean. =P However most of my friends are on Empire and I was tired of choosing to play with them or to play with her, so with promises of pink Twi'leks I dragged her over.
I'm so proud! |
And then my silly husband decided it was time for bed. =/
She was able to stay up a little bit later and made it all the way to the fleet before calling it a night. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't sure which Advanced Class she should pick. She asked my mother, but she is as we say... technologically challenged... and told poor Sierra to pick the wrong one. So now instead of a ranged lighting-shooting DPS her character is a double-bladed melee DPS. She's away this weekend at a funeral, so being the kind, wonderful, older sister that I am I promised to level her up a new one if I could. This time I'll make sure to be there for all the big, unchangeable decisions.
That's a great story. I hope your adventures together are many.